Fiction Tales: Left or Right?

So! Here I am. At the end of the path I chose to walk on 6 years ago. Now there’s only two way to go. Should I go left, or right?

Life could be much simpler if I choose the latter. Looks promising enough to me. It guarantees you a nice sunrise and a soothing sunset. Vast green fields full of happiness. I am having a house big enough to live till my last days on earth. The sweet melody of the flock of little birds would always greet me in thee morning when I wake up. I can see myself sitting on the big cushions near the fireplace, binging on Chips and Old classics. In summers, I can go to the river to the north of my house. But there’s no one else to share it with. Beyond my domicile, people are out to cut each other throats, for resources, for propaganda and to fulfill their bottomless well of greed. The society is all twisted. Everyone has enough to be grateful, but no one is. Everyone wants more. I can not trust anyone here. I will have to live alone my whole life here. Enjoy my share until someone or something takes it all away from me. Sunrise would one day burn my skin and eyes, and the sunsets would bring the hyenas hiding in the dark, waiting to plunge their teeth in my rotting flesh. The green fields are burnt to ashes, which now flies along with the dry winds of death. Flock of little birds are long gone. Maybe extinct. The river now runs red, with the blood of everything good that was left. Everything good, that should have been protected. I take my last breath here, alone. No one would care. No one is happy here.

If I choose the latter, there isn’t much to live for. I once had someone here. Someone very special, very close to me. Though we had differences, but I was ready to move forward. It’s my life and I choose the way to live it. We would have been happy together. I am still waiting for her to come back. I haven’t heard from her a long time. But there’s a tiny sliver of hope that helps me get through most of the days. I know she will be back. I see a lot of people surrounding me, friends. Friends with their unique passion and mindset, but the love among us is same. Sharing stories and struggles with them over a beer, watching them bring magic to life, even sometimes lending a shoulder to cry on. But they all started moving out, one-by-one. Everybody say that they’ll be in touch. Maybe for a year or two. But I know nothing lasts forever. They all have their families to take care of now. Who would have the time to listen to my stories? To whom shall I tell what I am going through. The tiny flame of hope which I am trying to save with all my might, is about to extinguish any day from now. Nothing lasts forever. So why am I being so desperate to hold onto this? Why can’t I move on like everyone else did? Once upon a time, I promised to come back to them whenever they need me. They don’t need me anymore. She doesn’t need me anymore.

So! Where should I go from here? To the Left, where nothing’s right or to the Right where nothing’s left.

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